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IB Maths IA Exploration Extended Essay
IB Chemistry HL SL IA Lab EE
IB Biology HL SL IA Lab EE
IB Economics HL SL IA Comm EE
IB Business Management IA EE
IB Geography & History HL SL IA EE
Environmental Systems & Society ESS
IB ToK Essay Tok Exhibition
IB written assignment (WA)
IB Extended Essay
IB ITGS IA EE & Computer Science Dossier
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IB Mathematics HL SL AI/AA IA extended Essay

We are helping IB students in writing, modeling, and drafting of IB math AI and AA IA and extended essay to get top class grades ( HL, SL).  We are also teachers who teach ib math ai and aa HL and SL.
Although there is possibility of any topic but some of the topics which have daily life or practical applications are preferable. 

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IB ToK Essay

Keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • the word count is 1600 words. This includes quotations.

  • You have to write down the number of words when you submit the essay.

  • The examiner will not read past 1600 words.

  • references, maps/charts/illustrations and bibliographies are not included in the word count.

  • You can choose any standard referencing system, but be consistent with the one you chose

To avoid possible disappointment, there are three very important things to keep in mind. Firstly, you should answer the question as it is. If you change the nature of the essay question or go off into your own direction, you risk losing a lot of marks. The examiner will assess the essay against the prescribed title. So, if you write something completely different, you may even get a 0. Regularly (and explicitly) bring your essay back to the essay question. Secondly, you should make sure that your essay is about "how we know". This means that you should not write lots of facts and information in the style of an answer to an exam question of an IB DP subject. You should also avoid writing an essay in the style of your EE. Your TOK essay is a reflective, analytical essay about how we know. Finally, you should write clearly. You may think you can impress the examiner with difficult words and complex grammar, because you feel that TOK is an intellectual subject.  However, if what you write makes no sense, you won"t get many marks. Re-read your work or ask a friend to see whether they understand what you mean. Ultimately, the IB ToK course is assessed by two components; TOK essay and TOK exhibition.

- TOK essay is of 1200-1600 words, written on a title chosen from a list of six offered by the IB.  TOK essay carries 67% worth of your final TOK grade.

TOK topics for May 2025 are as follows:

1. Do historians and human scientists have an ethical obligation to follow the directive: “do not ignore contradictory evidence”? Discuss with reference to history and the human sciences.

2. Is our most revered knowledge more fragile than we assume it to be? Discuss with reference to the arts and one other area of knowledge.

3. How can we reconcile the relentless drive to pursue knowledge with the finite resources we have available? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge.

4. Do the ever-improving tools of an area of knowledge always result in improved knowledge? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

5. To what extent do you agree with the claim “all models are wrong, but some are useful” (attributed to George Box)? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.

6. Does acquiring knowledge destroy our sense of wonder? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

The TOK Exhibition:

The "brand new" TOK exhibition is worth 33% of the grades. It is assessed internally, but moderated externally. The exhibition aims to assess how you can apply TOK concepts to the real world. You have to complete the exhibition individually (no group work!) and make sure no one in your TOK class/school uses the same objects/images in their exhibition. In short, the TOK exhibition is a live or virtual exhibition of three objects based on one "IA prompt". You should choose one prompt from the list below (it must be exactly from this list- DO NOT change the wording) and find three objects or images of objects that relate to this prompt. 
You also have to create a document with the title of your IA prompt, the images of the three objects, a commentary on each object that identifies each object and its specific real-world context. The comment should also justify the inclusion of the object in the exhibition and explain the links to the IA prompt. Finally, you should also include appropriate citations and references. The total word count for this document is 950 words (excluding references).

To create the exhibition you should follow three steps:

1) Choose the IA prompt and (images of) objects,
2) Prepare the documents for moderation
3) Showcase the exhibition.

1 a) Choose the IA prompts from the list of prescribed IA prompts (see below).

As a first step in the exhibition process, you should choose the IA prompt you will use to connect the three objects to. Remember that all three (images of) objects should relate to the same prompt. The same prompts remain available for the duration of this specification (this means that they don"t change every year, as opposed to the essay titles). The idea is that you link the prompts to the TOK themes you have learned in class. So, when you choose a prompt, consider how you may be able to relate it to themes such as knowledge and the knower, knowledge and technology etc.

  1. What counts as knowledge?
  2. Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?
  3. What features of knowledge have an impact on its reliability?
  4. On what grounds might we doubt a claim?
  5. What counts as good evidence for a claim?
  6. How does the way that we organize or classify knowledge affect what we know?
  7. What are the implications of having, or not having, knowledge?
  8. To what extent is certainty attainable?
  9. Are some types of knowledge less open to interpretation than others?
  10. What challenges are raised by the dissemination and/or communication of knowledge?
  11. Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs?
  12. Is bias inevitable in the production of knowledge?
  13. How can we know that current knowledge is an improvement upon past knowledge?
  14. Does some knowledge belong only to particular communities of knowers?
  15. What constraints are there on the pursuit of knowledge?
  16. Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds?
  17. Why do we seek knowledge?
  18. Are some things unknowable?
  19. What counts as a good justification for a claim?
  20. What is the relationship between personal experience and knowledge?
  21. What is the relationship between knowledge and culture?
  22. What role do experts play in influencing our consumption or acquisition of knowledge?
  23. How important are material tools in the production or acquisition of knowledge?
  24. How might the context in which knowledge is presented influence whether it is accepted or rejected?
  25. How can we distinguish between knowledge, belief and opinion?
  26. Does our knowledge depend on our interactions with other knowers?
  27. Does all knowledge impose ethical obligations on those who know it?
  28. To what extent is objectivity possible in the production or acquisition of knowledge?
  29. Who owns knowledge?
  30. What role does imagination play in producing knowledge about the world?
  31. How can we judge when evidence is adequate?
  32. What makes a good explanation?
  33. How is current knowledge shaped by its historical development?
  34. In what ways do our values affect our acquisition of knowledge?
  35. In what ways do values affect the production of knowledge?

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IB Written Task SL HL

The written tasks demonstrate the candidate"s ability to choose an imaginative way of exploring an aspect of the material studied in the course. It must show a critical engagement with an aspect of a text or a topic. At standard level, candidates complete at least three written tasks, one of which is submitted for external assessment.
At higher level, candidates complete at least four written tasks, two of which are submitted for external assessment. The content of each task must relate to a different part of the course.
Written tasks: SL and HL task 1
Once candidates have decided on their area of study and their particular title, they are free to produce any text type that is appropriate to the task. However, please note that a formal essay, such as that produced for paper 2, is not an appropriate text type for the written task at SL or for the task 1 submission at HL.
Candidates must acknowledge all sources used. Where appropriate—for example, when the task relies on the reader referring to stimulus material such as a key passage in a literary text, or an illustration, in order to understand what the candidate is attempting to do—the source material must be clearly referenced in a bibliography. These documents may be referred to, but must not be taken account of in the assessment.
Written tasks: HL task 2
A rationale is not included with task 2. Instead, candidates are expected to complete an outline. This outline must include:
• the prescribed question that has been chosen.
• the title of the text(s) for analysis.
• the part of the course to which the task refers.
• three or four key points that explain the particular focus of the task.

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IB Extended Essay

The extended essay is an in-depth study of a topic chosen from one of the subjects offered in the ib program. Its purpose is to acquaint you with the kind of independent research and writing skills expected by universities. Emphasis is
Placed on the process of engaging in personal research, on the communication of ideas and information in a logical and coherent manner, and on the overall presentation of the extended essay in compliance with these guidelines. Your extended essay topic must fall under one of the subjects listed below.
You do not need to be studying this subject in your diploma.
Business & Management
Classical Languages
Computer Science Dossier
Design Technology
Environmental Systems& Society
ITGS (information technology in a global society)
Mathematics AI and AA
Peace & Conflict Studies
Social Anthropology
Theatre Arts
Visual Arts
World Religion
World Studies (interdisciplinary extended essay)
The Length of the Extended Essay: The upper limit is 4000 words and essays should be at least 3500 words. The upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include:
• the abstract
• acknowledgements
• the contents pages
• maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables
• the references/bibliography
• appendices
Essays in excess of 4000 words are subject to penalties and examiners are not required to read material in excess of the word limit.

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IB Economics IA Commentary Extended Essay

An internal Assessment (IA) in Economics is a written commentary based on an economics article that you have chosen. The article you choose should allow you to explain and analyze economic events.
In doing so, it is hoped students will demonstrate the ability to apply, analyze and evaluate relevant economic concepts and theories discussed throughout the course while relating them to real world economics.
• For Economics SL, your IA represents 25% of your total IB score.
• For Economics HL, your IA represents 20% of your total IB score.
There are 4 different areas of economics:
• Microeconomics
• Macroeconomics
• International Economics
• Development Economics
The Extended Essay gives the student an opportunity to explore an academic topic in depth, making it among the most valued components of the IB curriculum. With the Extended Essay, each student has the opportunity to investigate a topic of special interest.
The essay requirement acquaints students with the kind of independent research and writing skills expected by universities. The word limit in extended essay is 4000.

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IB Historical Investigation

A historical investigation consisting of a written account of between 1,500 and 2,000 words (no more, no less), divided into six sections: a plan of the investigation, a summary of evidence, an evaluation of sources, an analysis, a conclusion, and a bibliography or list of sources.
The investigation must be a written piece and should be the work of the individual student.
Group work is not permitted. It is worth 25 marks.
Suggested word count for each section:
A. Plan of Investigation: up to 150 words
B. Summary of Evidence: 400-500 words
C. Evaluation of Sources: 200-350 words
D. Analysis: 600 - 800 words
E. Conclusion: up to 200 words
F. Bibliography: Not counted in the word count.
Total word count: 2000 words maximum

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Physics Lab Writing

Writingan Experiment Report
During the two years of the IB physics course you will perform a number of experiments. You must keep a record of ALL the experiments which you perform.
For a few of the experiments you will be required to present a full, detailed report, which will be graded.
The grades will form part of your final result (remember, a significant percentage of your final result will be based on your practical abilities).
It is recommended that your reports should be set out as follows.

Title Introduction Diagram Method Results Theory Conclusion

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Chemistry Lab Writing

Lab reports are an essential part of all laboratory courses and usually a significant part of your grade. If your instructor gives you an outline for how to write a lab report, use that.
A lab report is how you explain what you did in experiment, what you learned, and what the results meant. The lab notebook should be a record of everything done in the laboratory.
It is essential to write down the entire procedure and everything observed during the lab activity, so that someone else other than the student can repeat the exact procedure carried out in the lab.
Evaluation. Lab reports are evaluated using the following criteria:
Effectiveness as a scientific document. Are procedures and observations communicated clearly and completely? Are figures properly labeled? Are literature publications cited adequately? Have spectra, etc., been attached to the report and are they properly labeled?
Scientific content. Are conclusions and interpretations scientifically sound? Have calculations been performed correctly?
Adherence to the rules of good writing. Does the author use good grammar, spelling, word usage? Are technical terms used appropriately?

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Biology Lab Reports

If you are taking a biology course, at some point you will have to do lab experiments. This means that you will also have to complete biology lab reports. The purpose of writing a lab report is to determine how well you performed your experiment, how much you understood what happened during the experimentation process, and how well you can convey that information in an organized fashion.

Biology Lab Reports: Formats

A good lab report has a format that includes five main sections. They are the Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, And Citation.
Keep in mind that individual instructors may have a specific format that they require you to follow. Please be sure to consult your teacher about the specifics of what to include in your lab report.

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IB Business and Management IA Extended Essay

Business and Management is the rigorous and critical study of the ways in which individuals and groups interact in a dynamic business environment. It is an academic discipline that examines how business decisions are made and the impact of these decisions on internal and external environments. Business and Management provides students with the skills to make sense of the circumstances that drive change in an interdependent and multicultural world. Emphasis is placed on the ideals of international cooperation and responsive citizenship.
Internal Assessment
Higher Level: A Research Project based on real-world organisational issues or decision making. The project has a limit of 2000 words HL (Higher Level). Course weighing – 25%

Standard Level: The Research Project must be based on a research question which can be directly related to one of the topics or sub-topics of the Standard Level syllabus and must be a question regarding a real world problem involving any form of a business organization.
1,500 words max SL (Standard Level) If you go over the limits, there will be point penalties. Course weighing – 25%
Extended Essay
Getting started with your Extended Essay can seem like a pretty big challenge. The best advice I can give you is start early and choose your research question carefully. Starting early is a time-management aspect you"ll have to figure out but I can help you a lot on the entire business management extended essay.
Coming up with an appropriate question is about 25% of the whole battle. Your supervisor can help you with this a little bit, but often they"ll leave it to you.
And you"ll want to be very careful here. With the right question almost anything is possible. With the wrong question, you"re setting yourself up to fail. Most students brainstorm possible ideas, ask for suggestions and read successful EE samples (which are often available in your high school library). So don"t hesitate in taking my help; whatever your deadline is, I will get it done in A grade quality.

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ESS (Environmental systems and society)

Writing good lab reports is very important in IB as they make out a big part of your final grades in the science subjects. The key to writing a good lab report is to find out what is asked for and include all those parts in your report. Here are some steps to follow:
(i) the aim, (ii) hypothesis and prediction, (iii) general background, (iv) The independent variable, (v) The dependent variable, (vi)
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